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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

eBay pillows & Re Borns

I am having a very PINK & White day. Which to me means
a GREAT day! So I thought I would share some more pictures.
Here are some more of my eBay pillows. But even better a few of my sweet re borns. Never gave birth to any girls, so now I am having fun dressing these. They do not make dirty diapers, wake me up in the middle of night crying or eat. I can cover them up and go about my day. They bring a huge smile to my face whenever I look at them. The feel like a real baby as they
are waited and smell like baby powder. What fun! Enjoy your
day and thank you for peeking in to see my space! Jonnie

Thursday, January 1, 2009

My very shabby and very pink and white travel trailer! Just gotta love
that pink stuff~